с Китаем
Уникальная возможность освоить секреты работы
с крупнейшим рынком мира
«I'm excited to share that the XJTLU Learning Mall has developed and launched a new series of courses titled Business in China, designed to help Russian learners gain deeper insights into doing business in China. We are especially pleased to welcome our Russian participants to this learning platform.
The development of China-Russia friendship is very good and meaningful thing that both nations have long anticipated. By fostering mutual cultural understanding and recognition, we can promote trade and economic ties and growth between our two countries.
We look forward to your participation in the Business in China!»
Профессор Chao Qiuling
Секретарь Партийного комитета и вице-президент Сиань Цзяотун-Ливерпульского университета
Продолжительность обучения 2 месяца
Занятия ведут профессиональные
преподаватели международного уровня на английском языке
китайско-британского университета
В условиях глобализации и быстрого развития технологий
О курсе
сотрудничество с китайскими партнерами становится всё более актуальным для предпринимателей, стремящихся расширить свои горизонты и повысить конкурентоспособность своего бизнеса.
Сиань Цзяотун-Ливерпульский университет (XJTLU)
основан в 2006 в г. Сучжоу, КНР двумя одноименными вузами Китая и Великобритании.
Единственный в своем роде вуз, получивший одобрение Министерства образования КНР, что позволяет ему выдавать документы об образовании государственного образца, признанные как в Китае, так и в Великобритании
Находится в Индустриальном парке г. Сучжоу, который называют «Силиконовой долиной Китая»
Сообщество преподавателей и студентов из 90 стран мира
китайско-британского университета
Возможность практических занятий в университете (дополнительная опция по запросу участников курса)
По итогам обучения заинтересованным слушателям будет предоставлена возможность посещения предприятий и компаний провинции Цзянсу-партнеров программы, а также, по отдельному запросу, обеспечение необходимых коммуникаций в КНР

Углубленные знания,
Что Вы приобретете на курсе
которые помогут Вам грамотно вести дела с китайскими партнерами, сэкономить временные и финансовые ресурсы
Бизнес-право Китая
Организация частного бизнеса в Китае
Цифровизация китайской экономики
Электронная коммерция в Китае. Как это работает?

Вы можете отправить интересующие Вас темы для включения в содержание курса
по адресу info@china-course.ru
Ответы на вопросы
Семенов Артем Александрович
Об авторе курса
Российский китаевед — практик, имеющий продолжительный опыт сотрудничества с китайскими политическими и бизнес-кругами.
В 2020 г. удостоен звания «Почетный гражданин провинции Цзянсу», КНР.
“Мы создали курс «Бизнес с Китаем», чтобы Вы могли подробно узнать о тонкостях ведения бизнеса с этой страной”
Chongjie Xu (徐崇杰), Assistant Professor, Doctor of Law of China University of Political Science and Law, an excellent teacher in Beijing, has been teaching in Ningbo, Beijing and Suzhou for more than 20 years. He is now the Team leader of Law Teaching and Researching Team of Chinese Cultural Teaching Centre of XJTLU.
Chongjie Xu
Personal profile:
PhD, China University of Political Science and Law 2017 LLM, Temple University 2006
LLB, Northwest University of Political Science and Law 2001
Education /Academic qualification:
Business Law in China
Dr Jia Zhai joined IBSS at XJTLU in 2020. Previously she taught at the University of Salford, Ulster University in UK and XJTLU since 2010. Her research is mainly in the areas of financial technology and applied financial econometrics, e.g. machine learning in finance, option pricing, sentiment analysis, and volatility forecasting. In the last few years Jia obtained competitive grants funded by NSSFC, Education Bureau China, and ESRC UK, with the collaboration of external universities.
Jia Zhai
Personal profile:
MSc, University of Essex, 2006
PhD, University of Essex, 2011
Education /Academic qualification:
Digitalization of the Chinese economy
Yameng is an Associate Professor at International Business School Suzhou (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA), XJTLU. She takes the position of Programme Director of BA International Business with Language, and she is awarded as Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctor by Jiangsu Talent Programme in 2020 and evaluated as Key Talents in Science and Education by Suzhou Industrial Park in 2023. She is a principal investigator of the project The Study on the Mechanism and the Dynamic Relationships between International Friendship Cities and Outward Foreign Direct Investment, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Cooperated with a European Research Council Advanced Project (REDEFINE), Yameng successfully obtained National Natural Science Foundation of China and the European Commission China-EU Talent Project in 2021..
Yameng Zhang
Personal profile:
PhD. University of Glasgow, 2018
Education /Academic qualification:
Digitalization of the Chinese economy
Associate Dean for Profession Engagement, Professor of Practice in Management at IBSS, XJTLU. He is also Honorary Professor at School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of University of Chinese Academy of Science and Adjunct Professor at MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of BusinessPreviously he has been a faculty member of SDA Bocconi School of Management and Bocconi University since 1990, Visiting Scholar (1996) and Visiting Professor (1998) at Stern School of Business (New York University) and Visiting Professor, Fudan University School of Management (2008-2010).
Roberto Dona
Personal profile:
MBA , SDA Bocconi School of Management, - 1989
Laurea , Universita' di Milano, Milan, Italy - 1985
Education /Academic qualification:
Special seminar (master classes) "E-commerce in China. How it works"
Miaomiao is an Assistant Professor in Department of IOM (Intelligent Operations and Marketing), IBSS, Xian-Jiaotong Liverpool University. She is currently serving as the Programme Director of BA Marketing and the Coordinator of Smart Mobility Analytics Centre. Prior to IBSS, Miaomiao worked as a Post-Doc in Management Science and Information Systems, Fudan University, China. Her research interest lies in online platform management, service refusal, and UGC (user-generated content).
Miaomiao Liu
Personal profile:
PhD , Fudan University, China
BSc , Fudan University, China
Education /Academic qualification:
Special seminar (master classes) "E-commerce in China. How it works"
Dr. Lingyan Zuo, joined IBSS, XJTLU since 2009, and worked as Programme Director of BA Accounting currently. Dr. Zuo got her Ph.D. at Newcastle University, UK, major in Accounting and Finance. She is also qualified for CIMA, CGMA and CPA Australia. Her major research interests are for apply empirical or case study to analyze the topics such as Cash flow Forecast; Earnings Management; Corporate governance with abnormal accruals and earning quality; Cost management and Performance Management.
Lingyan Zuo
Personal profile:
PhD , Newcastle University, UK - 2012
BA , Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China - 2003
Education /Academic qualification:
Finance, Transactions, Banking
Dr. Yue Xu is an associate professor in Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management, SMO, IBSS, XJTLU. Her research interests include but not limited to OCB, leadership, entrepreneurship and behavioral decision-making. She has produced some high quality research publications in influential journals, such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, etc.
Lingyan Zuo
Personal profile:
PhD, Soochow University, 2018
Education /Academic qualification:
Labour Law and Human Resources Intro


Business Law in China

Fundamentals of Chinese Civil and Administrative Law
Chongjie Xu
Legal support of transactions involving Chinese companies.
Fundamentals of contract law in China
Videos: Learning in the Week 10.25-11.1
Live: in the weekend of 11.23 & 24
Tax law: the legislation of the PRC.
Chinese legislation in the field of intellectual property

of the Chinese economy

Jia Zhai
Blockchain, NFT as tools for digitalization of trade
Conflict management and settlement of legal disputes
with Chinese partners.
International commercial arbitration
State Digitalization Policy
China's digital integration with Russia: the most promising areas
Digital yuan: prospects for use
Chinese corporate law. The legal basis for the organization of private business in China
Videos: Learning in the Week 11.11-11.15
Live: in the weekend of 11.23 & 24
Videos: Learning in the Week 11.18-11.22
Live: in the weekend of 11.23 & 24
Videos: Learning in the Week 11.4-11.8
Live: in the weekend of 11.23 & 24

Special seminar (master classes)
"E- commerce in China.
How it works"

Organization of business projects in the field of е-commerce. Case study.
Miaomiao Liu
Problems and advantages of online trading platforms
Search for investors and government support for Russian-Chinese e-commerce projects
A group applied research project on the formation of a company's business strategy with the participation of Chinese
A group applied consulting project on the formation of effective communication with Chinese business partners
Roberto Dona
Videos: Learning in the Week 12.16-12.20
Live: in the weekend
of 12.21/22
Videos: Learning in the Week 12.23-12.31
Live: in the weekend of 12.21/22

Organization of private business in China

Features of the functioning of private and public business in China
Yameng Zhang
The procedure for organizing business in China with foreign
Search for Chinese investors. Working with export support
Videos: Learning in the Week 11.25-11.29
Live: in the weekend of 11.3 & 12.1
Yue Xu
Videos: Learning in the Week 12.2-12.6
Live: in the weekend of 12.7/8
Financial processes and work with banks. Currency transactions
Comparative analysis of risks, limitations and possibilities of
payment schemes
Videos: Learning in the Week 12.9-12.13
Live: in the weekend of 12.14/15
Lingyan Zuo
Labor legislation of the People's Republic of China. Hiring
Chinese personnel and how to work with them
Roberto Dona
The most promising areas for business organization in China